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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Joey Diaz

Joey Diaz: A Multifaceted Entertainment Icon

A Comedian with a Unique Perspective

Joey Diaz, born José Antonio Diaz on February 19, 1963, is a Cuban-American stand-up comedian who has made a name for himself with his raw and unfiltered humor. Known as "Joey CoCo Diaz," he has become a beloved figure in the comedy world, captivating audiences with his unflinching honesty and hilarious anecdotes.

An Actor and Podcast Host

Diaz's talents extend beyond stand-up comedy. He has appeared in several films, including "The Hangover" and "Grudge Match." He is also a skilled podcaster, hosting his own show, "The Church of What's Happening Now," where he interviews guests from all walks of life and shares his unique perspectives.

A Bestselling Author

In addition to his comedy and podcasting, Diaz has written a memoir entitled "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage." The book delves into his life experiences, including his struggles with addiction and his journey to finding success in the entertainment industry.


Joey Diaz is a true multi-hyphenate: a gifted comedian, actor, podcaster, and author. His ability to connect with audiences through his storytelling, humor, and honesty has made him a beloved figure both on stage and off. From his raw stand-up routines to his thought-provoking podcast episodes, Diaz continues to entertain and inspire audiences with his unique perspective on life.
